The Language of Nature

Vasanth Sankar
3 min readJun 3, 2021


Lets discuss about the patterns and textures existing in Nature

My solo travelling over the weekends helped to self discover and embrace the beautiful world around me with awe! This blog is my ‘baby’ attempt to share the patterns and textures which struck me while I was enjoying Nature’s company during my solo rides.

Leafs lived and breathed with the climate, culture, place and seasons they love

Patterns have Life

The Family of lines and shapes adjoining together is know as pattern

It’s amazing to see the patterns and textures of leaves which were created by nature without any contribution from any human!

I am very happy to have explored this area by understanding the power of the existing patterns and textures in Nature

Patterns in Leafs

Patterns of leaf are made with the main vein and it splits into many small branches they are vary with size and shapes

Different veins into a single leaf

Patterns in Woods

Ripples created by ants and birds with their sign of culture

Patterns in Sand & Wood

Ripples created with air, water drops and sand in tree woods

Colors and Patterns

Created with emotions of place and cultures they love to live

Texture and Rhythm

The surface of an object is formed with the feel and emotions within a specific area is know as texture

Leaf use to form a ferocious and calm way of the textures and Repetition of the veins in their Life

Repetition of the veins in their life

Texture in Tree

They are formed with different aspects of colours and hands on experts of ants and birds

Textures created with the sign of culture
They are ferociously and beautifully carved — The textures

What a wonderful world we live in! Everything if we give a little attention to our surroundings we live in we can explore hundreds of similar patterns and textures. Everything stands out in their own way and not a thing is similar to our surprise.

Let’s get lost from this mechanical life and find ourselves in the lap of Mother Nature!

Nature is full of magic ❤



Vasanth Sankar

Product Designer, Creative visualizer, Illustrator, Cyclist, Wanderlust ❤